Campus Life

Concordia Courier

Waterpolo team photo

Men's water polo wins big on senior night; recollects a season of achievement

11/10/2023 - 2 minute read

Men’s water polo defeated Fresno Pacific on Sat., Nov. 4 in a triumphant 13-7 win in the last home game of the season. This victory was particularly special in that it took place on senior night, where players Hunter Osgood and Tanner Powell, as well as the late Garrett Ryder Wade, were all honored.

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Officer Rick Gramer speaks to a crowd of students and faculty.

Attendees of violent intruder response training learn vigilance and awareness

10/6/2023 - 2 minute read

Irvine Police and Concordia Campus Safety trained students on how to respond to violent intruders in a special lesson two weeks ago on campus. A few of the students shared what they learned in order that everyone may have the skills to prevent dangerous situations from occurring in the future.

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