ABS gathers for annual beach night

The Concordia Courier

Students enjoy a nighttime fire pit at ABS worship night

By Breckynn Willis | 4/26/2024

ABS (Athlete Bible Study) gathered for their annual end-of-the-year beach night at CoronaDel Mar last Fri., April 19. Athletes came together for a beach clean-up, food, music, games, bonfire, worship and fellowship.

Athlete Bible Study began in 2020 and has remained a core part of the athletics community. The group is an extension of Abbey West’s discipleship team on campus. The group meets weekly on campus and ends each year with a fun event to create and maintain fellowship and a space for athletes to explore their faith.

The beach night serves many purposes. Jonathan Dose, a swimmer and a leader of ABS, was intentional with his planning of the event. “In order to serve the community, and allow our attendees to be good stewards of God’s grace, we wanted to clean up His creation in community with each other,” said Dose.

Creating space to discuss faith is unique to the Concordia experience. With such a large population of student-athletes on campus, this group has been able to offer a new community for believers and those interested in exploring their faith. “The goal of ABS beach night was to celebrate this community that we have as we close out the end of this academic year,” said Olivia Highstreet, an ABS leader and athlete on the beach volleyball team.

Highstreet has been an attendee and a key component of ABS leadership for the past three years. “ABS has been influential in keeping me consistent in pursuing my faith by providing a space to be with other athletes and building not only our relationship with God but with each other every week,” said Highstreet.

People were seen enjoying themselves and each other’s presence throughout the night. “I think the beach night was incredible,” said swimmer, Hannah Chabin. “It was super fun playing different sports and praising the Lord around the fire together.” Chabin has been attending ABS for the entire academic year.

“I wanted to be a part of a community of believers on campus,” said Chabin.

Athletes can struggle to find a group of people that relate to both their athletic and spiritual interests. This group has made it possible for athletes to develop relationships with like-minded individuals. “I went to the beach at night because there is a sense of community and family that I get from the ABS group,” said Garrison Veron, a junior swimmer.

ABS is coming to an end with the academic year but will be back at the start of next school year. If you are an athlete and interested in joining a welcoming and loving community on campus, contact co-leaders Jonathan Dose or Olivia Highstreet at jonathan.dose@eagles.cui.edu or olivia.highstreet@eagles.cui.edu.  

Tags: Men's Athletics, women's athletics

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