Concordia kicks off WOW with new student move-in

The Concordia Courier

Isa and Mac’s PAL team at Throwdown

By Rebekah Michel | 8/30/2024

Embarking upon the new school year, Concordia began Week of Welcome, or WOW, with New Student Move-In on Aug. 16. Amongst the Target bags, tool kits and toilet paper, new freshmen students moved into their new dorms in Chi Rho or Sigma, with the help of other Student Leaders, P.A.L.s and faculty. 

“I was especially impressed with the move-in process. Thanks to the help of the student leaders and even athletes, I only had to make one trip from my car to the dorm… I immediately felt like I was in a comfortable place that would soon become home away from home,” said freshman Audrey Kaufman. 

The first days and even hours of WOW are intentionally crafted to ease the move-in process and to allow for students to bond with new friends and RA’s. “WOW weekend was such a wonderful experience because there were a plethora of opportunities to meet people and become comfortably acclimated to the changes that come with college. The faculty and student leaders that were present exhibited a great sense of care and enthusiasm for new students,” said freshman Alannah Batty. 

With events ranging from Late Nite, Throwdown and After Parties in the residence halls, WOW is a result of countless hours put in by student leaders and faculty. However, the long shifts in the days prior always pay off as move in day and WOW allow for students to form new friendships and to settle in before the first day of classes. “I met some of my first friends at the events and by the time the first day of school rolled around, I already felt like I was part of the campus and community,” said freshman Maddy Chatwin. 

No Week of Welcome is complete without the efforts of RES and their student RAs. For freshman RA Grace DeJongh, move-in day is one of the most stressful yet exhilarating days of the entire year. “It didn’t feel real until the freshmen moved in. It’s not just like I put your name on your door. Now I have a face to your name and I get to build this relationship with you,” said DeJongh. 

Before the new students move in, all of the RAs arrive early on campus to receive special training on what to expect and what the year holds for their respective halls. “We as RAs went into student leadership training for about a week and a half… once Friday hit and all of the freshmen moved in, it such a great time,” said DeJongh. 

The efforts of the RES staff to successfully organize an efficient and positive new student move day are certainly not ones to go unnoticed, as move-in day sets the first impression for the rest of students’ time here at Concordia. Thanks to all of our student leadership, 2024 WOW and student move-in day was another triumph and example of Concordia equipping students to be fantastic and dependable leaders for new Golden Eagles. 

Tags: community

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