Senior student leaders in First-Year Experience see success with their final WOW

The Concordia Courier

Senior FYE Coordinators Grace, Jynelle, and Elise

By Madison Zuniga | 8/30/2024

Concordia’s 2024 Week of Welcome (WOW) introduced nearly 500 new students to campus, with major events running from Aug. 16-23. The entirety of the operation was overseen by the First-Year Experience department, and its leadership team has been carefully preparing these impactful experiences for months.

All three FYE (First Year Experience) student leaders will be graduating this academic year, and they were able to reflect on their work in the light of personal growth and fond memories. “It feels a little emotional seeing all these new students coming onto campus and starting their college careers, fresh out of high school,” said Grace Sielaff, senior Orientation Coordinator.

“It’s very surreal, I remember my freshmen orientation like it was yesterday!” said Jynelle Contreras, senior Orientation Coordinator. “It’s also very rewarding thinking back to who I was freshman year and how I have blossomed into a student leader and seeing the work that I put into orientation throughout this summer in front of my eyes.”

“Going through WOW as a senior reminded me of how far I have come and the experiences Concordia has provided me along the way,” said Elise Schult, PAL Coordinator. “It was so fun to have a role in prepping WOW for the freshmen and to play a part in welcoming them to campus in the same way I was freshman year!”

“I am most proud of my coordinators and how far they have come,” said Jessica James, Assistant Director of Orientation and Student Activities. “I started working at Concordia during their orientation so I have gotten to see them grow over the last three or four years.

They have all grown into such kind and strong leaders and I am honored to have been part of their journey.”

The FYE leadership team grew especially close over the summer, as they planned and prepared the various WOW activities in the CSLD office. “We spend all summer planning and prepping for so many different sessions and events. The office was a source of light and laughter over the summer as we all genuinely liked each other and meshed really well!” said Sielaff. “Jynelle and Elise couldn’t have been better partners for this humungous task that we had to take on. They are such humble and hardworking people and I absolutely loved working with them!”

“I would love to say a special shout out to Jessica James because she is just an amazing boss and mentor,” Sielaff continued. “I really have come to rely and trust in her a lot and I want to thank her for not only all the hard work she puts in every year but also for having faith in me and helping bring out a different type of confidence and leadership that I didn’t know I had. She truly is an incredible influence to me and so many other people!”

From the surfboard game and campus-long conga line at Late Nite to the personal speeches given at the Presidential Welcome, the FYE leaders made a significant and memorable impact this year during WOW. “I’m not ready to let go of my college years quite yet as it feels like I have so much left I want to enjoy, but I also realized when seeing the freshmen that it’s time for a new chapter,” said Sielaff. “If I were to share any advice it would be to take it all in and enjoy every moment because it truly does just fly by!”

For more information about First-Year Experience, visit, or contact Jessica James at


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