
Concordia Courier

Life After College Week Poster

Life After College Week: prepare for your future!

2/21/2025 - 3 minute read

Concordia University is set to host its annual “Life After College Week” from March 3 to 7, offering students essential career, financial and networking skills to help them transition into life beyond academia. Golden Eagles are encouraged to take advantage of key events during Life After College Week.


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Dusty Buell, Concordia ‘18

CUI’s MCAA program transformed my career: Dusty Buell’s story

2/11/2022 - 3 minute read

Career paths can take on many forms. For some it is a straight shot to being what you always wanted to be. For others, it is a course full of twists and turns. Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is really quite scary when you have no safety net to fall back on. 

We all hear the saying that if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. For some of us, we don’t know what we love until we see it and feel it. For me, athletics was the one thing that I was passionate about. I studied different professional players, and learned the intricacies of sports that I didn’t even play because I was fascinated by the strategy.

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Marty the Eagle promotes the CUI homecoming sports games

CUI Homecoming goes hybrid

1/21/2022 - 1 minute read

Homecoming will look a little differently with activities held both online and in-person on the weekend of January 28. The LEAD team, Athletics, and Alumni team coordinated for a weekend of festivities.

The Alumni Homecoming events have been moved to a virtual setting. The weekend consists of Friday and Saturday online events, including Virtual Bingo and an awards ceremony. CUI will also honor the 2022 Alumni of the Year.

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Wesley Barnes (left) poses with Professor Lori Siekmann (right)

CUI alumnus Wesley Barnes soars into Broadway stardom

11/19/2021 - 2 minute read

Concordia alumnus Wesley Barnes, Broadway performer, currently starring in Broadway’s 50th anniversary tour of “Jesus Christ Superstar,” graced Concordia Theatre Department’s stage in a nostalgic fashion paying it forward to young and upcoming performers. Barnes spared no details as he discussed the grueling process of auditioning, what it takes to “learn the game” in the performance world, as well as taking your success without letting losses weigh you down.

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A woman stands holding a giant foam green hand with a #1 finger

This is a brand new article

8/31/2018 - 0 minute read

This is my article teaser.

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A couple is depicted shooting lasers in the Buzz Lightyear ride

Test Two from a Journalist

7/23/2018 - 0 minute read

This is another test.

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Hall of Fame broadcaster Bob Miller (left) standing next to concordia student Blake Warye (right)

First Person: How Concordia Class Got Me a Job at FOX Sports

10/6/2017 - 2 minute read

Concordia student writes personally about how cui journalism class connected him directly to the industry of his dreams.

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