Athlete Bible Study kicks off the school year

The Concordia Courier

Athlete Bible Study leaders and attendees pose for a group photo

By Eva Prewitt | 8/30/2024

Athlete Bible Study, familiarly known as ABS, celebrated the start of the school year with their kick-off event last Wed. Aug. 21. ABS creates an environment on campus for student-athletes to make connections with fellow athletes, explore and deepen their faith.

A typical night attending ABS starts off with a fun, upbeat game or activity to get to know your peers and bond over the shared interest of competition. Following the game, a devotional is shared by one of the leaders. Then the group will break into small-groups to further discuss the devotional. These small groups initiate connection and the option to open up and share personal stories, thoughts or beliefs within the small-group.

Olivia Highstreet is a senior on the women’s beach volleyball team. Highstreet has attended ABS since her freshman year, then became a small-group leader and is now the ABS Coordinator. Highstreet said, “I have deeply enjoyed watching ABS grow and being an active member over the last four years.”

“Our mission is ‘Making Disciples of Every CUI Generation,’” Highstreet said, “Our vision is to bring together the athletes across our campus that want to grow in their relationship with God. Athlete Bible Study provides space for our athletes to build community over a common desire for a relationship with God and learning how to invite God into their athletic journey.

ABS leader, and a junior on the women’s lacrosse team, Jessi Borton said, “My favorite part about ABS is the small group setting where we sit down with a couple friends and discuss the devotion. Everyone tends to get pretty vulnerable, and it’s so amazing to hear how God is working in their individual lives. Everyone has their own story, and once we break down those walls, we become like a family.”

Borton said, “To me, ABS is an important environment to have on campus so that the athletes can attend a Bible study and feel like they can belong to a group. With athletes from different sports attending every Wednesday, they are able to meet new friends and build a community in Christ— while all having something in common.”

You do not need to have a previously established faith to attend ABS, as the group welcomes all athletes with open arms regardless of background or previous faith experiences. Highstreet said, “The best part of leading Athlete Bible Study has been the opportunity to come alongside fellow Concordia athletes and meet them where they are in their faith journey and grow closer to the Lord with them through our shared experiences.”

“ABS cultivates an amazing community that welcomes everyone and provides a place of belonging to all,” said Highstreet. ABS is held in the CU Arena, in the Eagles Nest, every Wed. night from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. The ABS crew would love to see you there!

Tags: community

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