Become a College Corps Fellow! Applications are open now

The Concordia Courier

Group picture of all College Corps members

By Kiara Azuma | 3/14/2025

College Corps applications are open now and are due March 28. Students can apply by submitting their resume and cover letter on Handshake. Both new and returning applicants can expect an in-person interview after submitting their application. 

Concordia is one of four private universities in California participating in the College Corps program, which includes over 40 college institutions across the state. This state-funded service and fellowship initiative allows students to focus and serve in fields of K-12 education (provide tutoring services to local schools or organizations), food insecurity (serve at a local food bank or food distribution center), or climate action (serve at local organizations focused on making positive environmental change). 

Students are expected to accomplish a total of 450 service hours over the course of the academic year, which averages to about 15 hours a week. With these service hours, College Corps fellows have the unique opportunity to make a positive community impact, access professional networking and development, and gain real-world skills and experience. 

With their service, fellows can earn a living stipend and Education Award, which together amounts to $10,000. 

“Fellows can opt to receive the stipend in the form of a paycheck every two weeks or have the earnings go straight to their existing student bill at CUI. Once students reach 450 hours at the end of the year, the final Education Grant becomes available and can be applied directly towards school the following semester,” said Lucas Brawner, Associate Director of College Corps.

Brawner described how students fulfill their 450 hours. “This includes our larger events like Symposiums, Mid-Year Learning, and Commencement, coming up on April 15th. Also, part of the 450 hours includes professional development and training opportunities for growth in areas outside of their focus area,” he said.

Keelie Huebner-Chan, senior, is a current College Corps Fellow with a focus on food insecurity. She has been a part of the College Corps since her freshman year. “I initially chose [food insecurity] because I had the most experience with it. I had volunteered to help package food for people in need a couple of times, and I thought it would be the most fulfilling of the options. I knew that I would also be able to connect more directly with the people within my community,” said Huebner-Chan. 

“I've met a lot of amazing people throughout my time, and helping people is something that is really rewarding. I volunteered at a food pantry for the first two years, and have been helping out more recently at a thrift store [all the proceeds go directly to the food pantries],” Huebner-Chan explained. ”My experience has been mostly positive,” she added.

Senior Leah Sugita also shared her experience.“This year while working at [South County Outreach], I see the impact I have serving my direct community through my time at the pantry and thrift store. I feel more of a connection to the community around campus and like to get to know the clients and customers who come in and see my face every week.”

Interested students must meet at least one of the following criteria:

Needs to work part-time and/or borrow student loans to meet educational costs
Qualifies for a State Cal Grant, Federal Pell Grant or Middle-Class Scholarship
Must be a U.S. Citizen, U.S. National, legal permanent resident or AB 540 Eligible Dreamer

Those who become Fellows are required to be full-time undergraduate students, complete a National Service Criminal History Check and Live Scan upon selection, maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA, and study stateside for the entire academic year (no study abroad).

“Aside from the money incentive, College Corps is honestly a great opportunity to make connections,” said Huebner-Chan. “There's the chance to make friends, understand your community, and make important relationships with people for future job opportunities. It definitely helped me break out of my shell when I was just a shy freshman, and you'll make strong connections with people you thought you would never meet!”

For more information, visit or contact Lucas Brawner at Apply online at Handshake or scan the QR code on the flyers around campus to fill out an interest form. 

Tags: College Corps, Applications, On-Campus-Jobs

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