
Concordia Courier

ATW team members at Cambodi- an temple

First person ATW Semester: On the road to Battambang

9/22/2023 - 2 minute read

The road to Battambang is unremarkable. It is paved with faded asphalt, which is covered in a thin layer of rust-colored dirt. Deprived of the usual August monsoons, the dirt is dry, and hot to the touch. As the open back of the truck bumps along the road, dust kicks up and burns my nose. Fourteen of us are packed tightly, limbs cramped and squished by our backpacks. The journey will be three hours long, someone says. None of us know what to expect.

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Concordia Irvine

Concordia students respond to Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay shootings

2/10/2023 - 1 minute read

Over the span of less than a weekend, two mass shootings rocked the cities of Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay. Concordia students shared thoughts and reactions regarding these horrific acts of violence that took place in January.

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Concordia Irvine

Five fun Christmas events in Orange County

12/6/2022 - 2 minute read

It’s December, which means it’s Christmas time! Staying on campus or local during Christmas break? There are many great events and attractions in Orange County to get you in the Christmas spirit. Here are the best Christmas events in Orange County.


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Concordia Irvine

2022 Midterm election recap

11/11/2022 - 2 minute read

Every two years, America goes through a series of elections to determine the composition of the House of Representatives and Senate. On November 8, the 2022 midterms went into full swing, with millions of voters going to their local polling places to make their voice heard. Here are some of the most significant election news, both in Orange County and across the country.

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Here are the best ways to spend the rest of Halloween season

10/28/2022 - 3 minute read

Here’s the deal: Halloween is already creeping around the corner, and you haven’t done anything to celebrate. Lucky for you, Orange County is full of spooky events and there’s just enough time to get in on the fun. Here are the top five Orange County Halloween events.

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Eight tips for studying abroad: Advice from Concordia Cambridge

10/7/2022 - 2 minute read

Are you considering studying abroad? The current Concordia Cambridge students offered their best advice and suggestions for anyone thinking about participating in an international program. 

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Orange County ghost walk dares guests into a chilling experience

10/7/2022 - 2 minute read

Get ready for ghoulish teachings and tours within some of the most haunted locations in Southern California hosted by Haunted Orange County this year. 

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A Concordia dispatch from Cambridge: American students experience the UK in mourning

9/23/2022 - 3 minute read

The United Kingdom observed a national day of mourning on Mon., Sept. 19. Shops, restaurants and businesses all shut down in remembrance of the late Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away on Sept. 8, 2022. 

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Concordia University campus

2021: A year in review

1/21/2022 - 3 minute read

A change in presidency, a continuing pandemic and natural and manmade disasters shaped 2021, but there was also positive news throughout the year. Here are some of  the biggest stories of 2021.

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Concordia University campus

Halo Infinite Review: Campaign and Multiplayer

1/21/2022 - 2 minute read

I was young when I first picked up a game controller. My dad had played on the original Xbox and PlayStation2 when I was only two or three. Some of my earliest memories involve me sitting in front of the TV and watching my dad play through “Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic,” “Ratchet and Clank,” and other games from the era. A few years later, I picked up the controller myself and started playing.

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