Campus Life

Concordia Courier

Concordia University campus

Dr. Soper leads CUI Bono on “What is humanity?”

2/25/2022 - 2 minute read

Have you ever stopped and wondered in the midst of your very existence what truly makes you, you? More specifically, have you ever wondered what truly makes us human? Well, Dr. Rod Soper of the Concordia Biology department certainly has. On Feb. 22, Soper booked a full house to discuss the age-old question: What is humanity? 

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Dusty Buell, Concordia ‘18

CUI’s MCAA program transformed my career: Dusty Buell’s story

2/11/2022 - 3 minute read

Career paths can take on many forms. For some it is a straight shot to being what you always wanted to be. For others, it is a course full of twists and turns. Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is really quite scary when you have no safety net to fall back on. 

We all hear the saying that if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life. For some of us, we don’t know what we love until we see it and feel it. For me, athletics was the one thing that I was passionate about. I studied different professional players, and learned the intricacies of sports that I didn’t even play because I was fascinated by the strategy.

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The Concordia Debate Team places second overall at their weekend tournament

CUI Forensics ranks second at home tournament

2/11/2022 - 2 minute read

On Sat., Jan. 29 through Sun., Jan. 30, the Forensics Team ranked second overall at the Jannese-Davidson memorial tournament hosted by CUI.

Jannese-Davidson, for whom the tournament was named after, was a former speech and debate competitor and coach for Concordia. In response to her legacy, Brody Rezen, a freshman on the debate team, said, “Jannese Davidson was a good woman. I believe she upheld the best values of Concordia. I am honored to uphold those same values today. Go Eagles!”

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Freshmen Brody Rezen celebrating his win after taking the W in the Sunset Classic hosted by the CUI Disc Golf Club

CUI’s Disc Golf Club attracts attention and new members across campus

2/11/2022 - 2 minute read

CUI has a wide array of clubs and activities across the campus for students to get involved in, but not many know about the school’s growing Disc Golf Club. 

The sport of Disc Golf revolves heavily around the sport of actual golf, applying many similar rules. Players throw carefully-crafted discs with specific characteristics to fly in many different  ways, similar to the way  a driver, wedge, and putter would behave. The holes also have a set par count, encouraging players to shoot for the lowest stroke-count possible.

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Michael Antonovich founds JustGo as a competitor to the quick grocery delivery service industry

JustGo delivery app illustrates entrepreneurial skills actions

2/11/2022 - 3 minute read

At 22, Michael Antonovich, a senior majoring in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing, is the business owner of the newly-developed company JustGo. "JustGo is an on-demand grocery platform, facilitating door-step delivery of groceries and other home essential items for the suburban market,” said Antonovich. The development of the JustGo Delivery app started six months ago, and has been operating for four months.

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Mariah Lucas '15, Director of Career Development and Vocation

Where do I begin after CUI?

1/21/2022 - 2 minute read

I remember feeling so much pressure as graduation approached. Pressure to know exactly what I was going to do. Pressure to have a plan in place. Graduation. Graduate School. Private Practice. That is a common route for psychology majors to take, and I assumed that it was the route I should take. 

While in graduate school, I learned more about who I was, my personality and how I process information. I realized that my natural inclination is to focus on the future and to design my way forward. This did not fit the traditional views I had on what therapy is. 

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LEAD student leaders of 2021-2022

Calling all Eagles!

1/21/2022 - 3 minute read

There is something new happening right now! Student Leadership applications are open. There are a variety of positions available for every area of leadership around campus including Resident Assistants (RA), ASCUI student government, International Student Ambassadors (ISA), LEAD, Student Success Mentors (SSM), and Peer Advising Leaders (PAL). Student leadership provides students with the ability to support other students and provide everyone with the best experience here at Concordia. 

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ASCUI Clubs and Organization

Explore growing career opportunities with Business Data Analytics Club

1/21/2022 - 2 minute read

The Business Data Analytics Club is a new club on campus, providing students with the opportunity to learn more about the growing field of business data analytics.

The International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), states that business data analytics is a  practice where specific “techniques, competencies and procedures are applied” in order to investigate “past and current business data, for the purposes of obtaining insights about a business that can lead to improved decision-making.”

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Concordia University campus

Academic Advising provides helpful resources

1/21/2022 - 1 minute read

The Academic Advising department has many resources available to new students throughout the semester. The academic advisors are there to support students all semester long, allowing students to stay on-track to graduate and grow towards their future vocations.

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Student presents her showcase work to professors and experts in the field.

President’s Academic Showcase- Sign-ups end today!

1/21/2022 - 1 minute read

Students! Are you ready for an academic research competition that includes cash prizes, course credit and one-on-one time with a staff mentor? Today, Jan. 21, is the last day to sign up for this competition; Concordia’s annual President’s Academic Showcase of Undergraduate Research. 

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